Date: January 26, 2023 | 3 p.m. (GMT)
Speaker: Samuel Bernardo and Miguel Viana, LIP
Moderator: Mariana Miranda, INESC TEC & University of Minho
The BigHPC project is bringing together innovative solutions to improve the monitoring of heterogeneous HPC infrastructures and applications, the deployment of applications and the management of HPC computational and storage resources. It aims as well to alleviate the current storage performance bottleneck of HPC services when dealing with data intensive applications growth among the major workload in HPC environments.
Largest companies, government research centers and academic computing centers aggregate the computing power to answer the Big Data buzzword. The typical jobs pretend to extract value from data having four Vs characteristics (volume, variety, velocity and veracity). But to use those resources there are several different implementations that make it difficult for a user to use those infrastructures. BigHPC platform gives a way to start using those resources with a common job definition (BigHPC job) and adapted to the requirements of the largest BigHPC infrastructures, making life easier for system administrators.
In this presentation we will show the involved services, how they can be deployed in any infrastructure and the jobs workflow supported over the Gitlab platform.
About the speakers:

Samuel Bernardo is a Software Engineer at the Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de PartÍculas (LIP), in Portugal. Graduated from Lisbon University with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Samuel is finishing hiss Master dissertation. Currently working on BigHPC and SQAaaS platforms development and in several national and European projects. Also an open-source contributor for several years supporting the community and free software.

Miguel Viana is a Linux SysAdmin at LIP-Minho. Graduated with a degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering and finishing a master degree dissertation in Embedded Systems. Interested in subject areas such as high-performance computing, automation, containerization and informatics security. Currently, mainly working on BigHPC project.
About the moderator:

Mariana Miranda is a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Minho, affiliated with the High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), one of the integrated R&D centres of INESC TEC. Her background includes an integrated BSc+MSc degree in Computer Science from the same institution. In 2020. she began her PhD journey focusing on improving the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of storage solutions at High-Performance Computing (HPC) centers.

The BigHPC Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalisation – COMPETE 2020, the Lisbon Portugal Regional Operational Program – Lisboa 2020, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT under UT Austin Portugal.